What We Do
We provide events in authentic outdoor locations for brands
With experts and professionals to train outdoor and running retail staff on products and associated skills. This improves their knowledge, confidence and competence when advising the consumer, leading to a certification upon completion of the course.
Since the year 2000 retail in the UK has frequently faced some of its toughest challenges. Recessions, rising unemployment rates and most notably Coronavirus. The events of these years mean that businesses and brands have been forced to restructure, reluctantly letting staff go to secure their future. We have lost some business along the way too!
This led to fewer sales and training reps on the road and fewer training staff in stores, delivering knowledge, confidence and inspiration. Some industries have not been affected as much as the outdoor industry as their staff do not require the specialist knowledge of a wide variety of product solutions that impact on a consumer’s chosen activity.
Outdoor stores, simply put, often provide products and services that can save your life, or conversely put your life in danger if not used correctly. Being part of this industry, we have seen these events unfold, and we have seen the consequences. Now we are taking action to improve our fate.
Through and social we create events in authentic outdoor locations for retail staff from the shop floor to come and receive hands-on training, in person. Gathering brands, experts and professionals we provide valuable and varied experiences for all those who attend. Learning new skills and hearing from educational and inspirational speakers improves the all-round knowledge of product service and retail as a whole, resulting in enhanced confidence and competence when informing customers in store.
Ultimately, we aim to increase conversion in store by better informing the consumer about the appropriate products for them and offering additional advice for their chosen activities. To keep track and measure the progress of all staff we have also created, in collaboration with the Institute for Outdoor Learning, the retail outdoor certification scheme, which consists of different levels and categories covering all products sold in outdoor retail stores.
What we are doing
We are constantly consulting the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) and Running Industry Alliance (RIA) to understand any developments or changes that we should be aware of or any topics or activities that we should include in our plans. It is also important for us to be aware of how we can develop the current certification scheme towards a possible NVQ or apprenticeship style professional qualification.
We also survey brands to understand their goals and training methods and connect all the dots as we speak to retailers what they need to get out of staff training. These conversations guide our certification and the material and content that will be included as we look to keep up to date with the ever-changing outdoor sports markets.
Our aim as andsocial is to improve the level of knowledge in outdoor and running retail store staff by delivering outstanding training, whilst working with brands, professionals and experts to help them achieve their goals. Qualifying our industry staff towards being experts in their field or chosen specialism has a positive impact on the long-term retention of outdoor enthusiasts and professionals in our industry.
Educating and uniting outdoor professionals and providing them with opportunities to learn, develop and become certified in new practical skills through experience in authentic environments, whilst being part of an inspirational, diverse and inclusive community.